Technology and Innovation
We employ leading water experts, deliver our own technological know-how, and strive for maximum efficiency and professionalism in the operation of water treatment equipment. All companies in the Veolia Group in the Czech Republic are ISO 14001 certified, focusing on the impact of their operations on the environment.
Carbon footprint
On the global stage, Veolia is a leader among companies that give careful consideration to their carbon footprint. In the Czech Republic the companies in the Veolia Group conduct periodic evaluations of their activities and set also targets for further improvement in the coming years.
New tools
Carbon footprintingis not the only available technique for determining the environmental impact of operations. Veolia Voda is also actively involved in the use of holistic methods todeterminethepreferable investments and operational solutions. The latest tool centrally used by Veolia Water is the LCA (Life Cycle Analysis), specifically GABI software, facilitating the analysis of the impact of specific solutions on the carbon footprint and on another nine environmental categories (e.g. acidification).
Promotion of biodiversity and environmental protection
Protecting Biodiversity
Activities associated with the production of drinking water and wastewater treatment, which are the core business of the companies in the Veolia Group, are inherently very closely linked to nature. Activities of Veolia undeniably affect the water cycle in nature, and therefore, using its own technological know-how, it seeks to minimize the impact of its activities on the environment. In particular, it strives to protect water resources.
Principal rules that Veolia (Energy) follows in environmental protection
- Prevention of environmental pollution: seeking energy savings, reducing the number of local generating sources, development of district heating networks, etc.
- Heat and electricity generation in environmentally friendly cogeneration
- Replacement of increasingly larger amounts of coal with renewable and secondary energy sources
- Constant improvement, modernization, and innovation of energy installations
A major pillar of the company’s strategy, combined heat & power generation, or cogeneration, is much more environmentally friendly than separate generation, as it supports improved efficiency of the installations and large fuel savings (up to 40%). Veolia launched the Water2Energy programme focused on energy savings. Learn more on http://www.veoliawater2energy.com.
Biomass firing
Veolia constantly increases the percentage of renewable and secondary energy sources, in particular biomass, which is a strategic fuel of the future. In addition to the positive environmental effects, green energy production also positively influences the price of heat and electricity, and also local employment.