Photography exhibition ‘Alive water’ displays moments from research on the condition of the main water source of Sofia – Iskar river

With a brief ceremony at the Faculty of Biology of Sofia University ‘St. Kliment Ohridski’ the photography exhibition ‘Alive water’ was opened. It is a part of a full-scale project, implemented with the support of Sofiyska Voda, operated by Veolia, for research on the ecological condition of Iskar river and its main feeders.

The latest similar research was conducted more than 10 years ago which makes the expected data from this research very important.
On the exhibition 50 photos are displayed taken by students in various specialties which follow the course of water and instances from the research and laboratory work of the teams, The Dean of the Faculty of Biology Assoc. Prof. Stoyan Shishkov handed in the certificates of the distinguished students and the special awards of the jury. The photo taken by Vasilena Angelova was ranked as 1st , followed by Milko Kyoibashiev and Simona Parvanova.
The ceremony was attended by Mr. Vladimir Galabov – Communications Senior Manager at Sofiyska Voda and Prof. DSc. Yana Topalova, General and Applied Hydrobiology Department, and Mr. Nikolay Savov, Sofia Enterprise for Waste Treatment Director, was a special guest.
Within this project one more photography exhibition will be displayed and the official public defense of the graduation papers of the students at the Faculty of Biology will be completed.

Vasilena Angelova 

Milko Kyoibashiev 

Simona Parvanova