Hidden Leak Detection and Tracing

We offer hidden leak detection and conduit tracing on a site internal water network

What does our service include?


Hidden leak detection

The service comprises hidden leak detection on the site internal water network. If a leak is suspected, the technical teams will locate it by using acoustic water leak detection equipment. If designs of the water pipes, valves, and fire hydrants are available, the leak detection will be facilitated.


Tracing of water mains and sewers

The service comprises localization of metal conduits or conduits with an embedded metal strand that are part of a site internal network. If designs of the water pipes, valves, and fire hydrants are available, the conduit localization will be more precise. The location of the conduits is found with pipe tracing equipment.


Additional information

  • Water mains laid under grass plots and the presence of a concrete base impede hidden leak detection due to sound wave diffraction
  • Hidden leak detection service is not provided for water mains fed by local water sources with hydrophores or pumping stations
  • The service does not include leak detection in confined spaces and buildings
  • For precise leak detection it is necessary to provide designs of water mains, available fittings – valves and fire hydrants

*Requests for the service on the territory of the country outside Sofia are also accepted after an offer drawn up in advance.

For this purpose contact us at

[email protected] 


Our activity on an annual basis more than:

1 000 traced water service connections

160 traced water mains

2 300 localized bursts

Hidden leak localization

Tracing of conduits

Survey on a site internal network